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We've helped chemical manufacturing companies across the globe gain access to new markets and discover new ways of expanding their business solving raw material challenges — from sourcing, securing production, downstream products to creating break-through innovations and technologies that have changed entire industries in record time.


Lithium Salts of America (a Division of ASG Chemie)


Headquartered in Gainesville Florida with offices in Jacksonville, FL - Houston, TX - and Sydney, Australia.


Lithium Salts of America (Lith) is a division of ASG Chemical Holdings, LLC that is deeply cultivated in the lithium industry with technology and innovation as the driving force. This combination along with deep industry relationships, technical expertise, and long-standing industry connections and market know-how for lithium provides unique competitive advantages for our customer / clients. We are unique as many of our core raw materials are vertical integrated as feedstocks used in our compounded formulated products.


About ASG Chemie


Bulk Chemicals & Specialty Performance Materials — ASG Chemical Holdings, LLC. (ASG Chemie) is a raw material trading and a technology holding company for various ventures, patents, and intellectual properties. Specialties include lithium, potassium, magnesium, and silica as well as an ever expanding portfolio of novel performance materials to help make products better, more durable and sustainable.

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ASG Chemie
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